Lily Jacobs | Emtern Spotlight

The following is the caption timecode transcript. It’s for your convenience (Control F) and accessibility. 00:00:00:19 – 00:00:01:53Hello. My name is Lily Jacobs. 00:00:01:53 – 00:00:05:08I’m a sophomore here at Emerson,graduating in 2026. 00:00:05:13 – 00:00:07:42I’m a VMA major,and over the last summer, 00:00:07:42 – 00:00:11:48I took an internship at Read more…

Lei Zhong | Emtern Spotlight

The following is the caption timecode transcript. It’s for your convenience (Control F) and accessibility. 00:00:00:06 – 00:00:00:31Hey, guys. 00:00:00:31 – 00:00:03:06My name’s Lei Zhong,and you all can just call me Helen. 00:00:03:06 – 00:00:05:05I’m from Shanghai, China. 00:00:05:05 – 00:00:08:00Currently I’m a seniorat Emerson College, 00:00:08:00 – 00:00:11:40majoring in Read more…

“I wasn’t a classroom learner. I was always somebody who would learn by trial and error. I felt that Emerson kind of understood that aspect of a student too.” – Alan Brown ’88

Alan Brown is an alum of the Class of 1988. He is highly accomplished and worked at NFL Films for much of his career. Brown helped elevate NFL Films to what it is today. Now, Alan Brown is volunteering his time in various ways, including mentoring Emerson students. Check out Read more…

“My mass communication background taught me how to be concise and how to break down complicated concepts into simpler ones” – Suzie Ahn ’97

Susan “Suzie” Ahn is a Lead Program Specialist (Team Lead) of the National School Lunch andSummer Food Service Programs at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and NutritionService. She has been based at the agency’s Western Regional Office in San Francisco since 2014. She is a member of the Emerson Read more…