It’s important to create prompts that customize ChatGPT’s output. To get started, use the CREATE method below:

Character: Assign a role
Request: Give a clear, descriptive, & accurate task
Example: Share an example if relevant
Adjustments: Refinements are a part of the prompt process
Type of Output: How do you want your response formatted
Extras: Additional refinement/information/context

As a reminder, make an appointment with your Career Advisor on Handshake to discuss and edit the results to personalize for your career.

ChatGPT Prompts – Resume

First review the Resume guide on the Emerson website.

  • Can you analyze my resume and suggest improvements for applying to [specific job role]?
  • What are the key skills and achievements I should highlight on my resume for a position in [industry]?
  • How can I incorporate these skill sets and experience [insert keywords] into this resume experience description [insert bullets] for this position [insert job description]?
  • I am applying for the position of [insert title/company name] and want to highlight my skills and experience in [insert field of expertise]. Please provide some ideas of ways I could improve my resume.
  • What are some great active verbs for [insert job title] resumes?

ChatGPT Prompts – Cover Letter

First review the Cover Letter guide on the Emerson website.

  • What are the most effective ways to convey my passion for [industry] in my cover letter?
  • Draft a cover letter for a recent graduate applying for a [job title] role at [company name]. Emphasize my degree in [field] and relevant internship experience.
  • Draft a cover letter for a [job title] role, emphasizing my accomplishments in [specific achievements] and how they can benefit [company name].
  • Generate a cover letter for a career changer moving from [career one] to a [career two] role. Emphasize my skills in [transferable skill in job description 1] and [transferable skill in job description 2].

ChatGPT Prompts – Interviewing

First review the Interviewing guide on the Emerson website

  • What are common interview questions for a [job title] position at [company]?
  • What might a hiring manager/recruiter at [insert company name] ask regarding this role [insert job description], based on my experience [insert resume]?
  • You’re the interviewer for this role: [insert job description]. Can you develop 3-5 interview questions based on this job description?
  • What examples from my background help answer [insert question]?
  • I interviewed for [insert job title] at [insert company name/industry]. We talked about [insert details from conversation]. What should I write in my thank-you note to my interviewer who is [insert role of interviewer]?
  • Additional prompts provided by The Muse which includes best practices, general prompts, for career changers, specific situations, and for after the interview.

ChatGPT Prompts – Portfolio

First review the Portfolio guide on the Emerson website.

  • What should I include in my portfolio to showcase my skills in [field]?
  • Can you suggest examples of strong portfolios in [industry]?

ChatGPT Prompts – Networking

First review the Networking guide on the Emerson website.

  • How can I leverage LinkedIn to network with professionals in [industry]?
  • Can you provide a draft email to my [industry/class name] professor and a list of questions to ask during a networking meeting during office hours?
  • I am interviewing with a [role] who has been in the industry for five years. Analyze their LinkedIn profile [insert text of LinkedIn profile] and come up with three questions I can ask during an informational interview.
  • I met with an alumna who is [role] at a [type of company] We talked about ________ during our meeting. Draft a potential follow-up email based on our conversation.
  • I am a sophomore in college about to have an informational interview. Suggest some questions for an informational interview with an [role at company].

ChatGPT Prompts – Career Exploration

  • My professional background is doing [summarize your background]. Based on my background in [field], what are emerging career opportunities I should consider?
  • What are the most in-demand skills in the [industry] sector right now?
  • How is the job market for [specific job role] expected to change in the next few years?
  • What is the typical career path of a ________ ? For example, what is the typical career path of a [role]? 
  • What are some entry-level positions for ________ concentrators/majors? For example, what are some entry-level positions for [role]? 
  • All Undergrade and Graduate Students: Check out the Career Path section of Emerge.
  • For Grad students:

ChatGPT Prompts – Job Search

First review the Job Search guide on the Emerson Website.

  • What are the best job search strategies for entering the [industry] sector?
  • What are companies in [industry] that are appropriate for [experience and education level] located in [city]?
  • I think this job is really interesting [insert copy and pasted job description]. What key words can I used to describe jobs similar to this one?
  • Can you help me create a system for tracking my job applications and follow-ups?
  • What types of companies in [industry] are known for promoting a healthy work-life balance?

ChatGPT Prompts – Career Changers and Freelance

First review the Freelance guide on the Emerson website.

  • What are the steps to start freelancing in [field]?
  • How can I market my skills effectively as a consultant in [industry]?
  • What are the best strategies for transitioning from [current industry] to [desired industry]?
  • Can you suggest transferable skills that are valuable in both [current industry] and [desired industry]?
  • What careers blend ________ and ________? For example, what careers blend political science and human rights activism? 

ChatGPT Prompts – Other Prompts

  • What are the typical salary ranges for a [job title] in [location]?
  • Can you provide information on the cost of living and job market in [city] for [job title]?
  • Help me craft an argument for a salary raise based on my achievements: [insert achievements].
  • What are the standard salary ranges for an entry level [job title] at a [describe company]?
  • How can I position myself for a promotion within my current company?