When: Tuesday, October 5th, 1pm to 4pm Eastern Standard Time
Where: Virtual through Jobs Connected
RSVP: https://www.jobsconnected.com/fair/emerson-college/

Emerson College’s Virtual Internship Fair kicks off on October 5th at 1pm offering students a chance to connect with over a dozen unique employers. The fair is an excellent way to learn more about Emerson’s employer partners as you’ll hear about their companies and the best ways to stand out as an applicant. Registration is currently open — be sure to RSVP to save your spot!

Before the Fair

Join us in late September for our Internship Fair Prep event! This is your chance to connect with Career Development staff as we share some valuable tips and tricks for making the most of your fair experience. Register for the event at the link below.

Internship Fair Prep Workshop

When: September 23, @2pm EST
Where: Virtual, RSVP for Joining Information

Consider this your pre-flight checklist before the big day. Before we get into fair-specific preparations, let’s check if you have the following…

  • An Updated Resume & Cover Letter: These documents are incredibly helpful to have ready, especially if you’re looking to apply to a position before, during, or after the fair itself. Submit your resume and/or cover letter for an online review to best prepare. Check out our Resume Guide for helpful resume writing tips.
  • An Updated Handshake Profile: Fair Employers will be using Handshake for all of their recruiting (including their Group and 1 on 1 Sessions). It’s important to make sure your Handshake profile is up-to-date, in case any employer checks it out. Complete your profile using these tips from Handshake.
  • A Plan for the Fair: Having a plan is the most important step to take before the big day. You can see our list of attending employers before the 5th and can plan your day out from there. Your plan should at least include which employers you’ll visit, but can also include roles you intend to apply (or have already applied) to.

As a general prep tip, we also encourage you to explore our Resource Library for additional tips on professional communication, interview tips, and ways to network in person or via LinkedIn or email.

During the Fair

Employers will host Zoom meeting links meant to simulate a booth-type experience. These Zoom rooms are meant to connect with an employer so you can learn more about their company and the internships they’re recruiting for. Here are some tips to stand out during the fair…

  • Set Your Scene: Make sure your audio and video are working. Find a quiet space to join the employer’s Zoom room.
  • Ask Questions: Questions can make a huge impression. Try coming up with some general and employer-specific questions you can ask during your time at the employer’s booth.
  • Prepare for Follow-Up: Ask the employer if you can follow up with them after the fair. Take down any contact information like their email and social media accounts. If you miss this opportunity, try finding the employer on LinkedIn and make a connection request.

After the Fair

Did you send a ‘Thank You’ note to employers you connected with? Have you applied for one of our attending employers’ internships or jobs? These are just a few questions to ask after any career fair. Make the most of your post-fair plan by…

  • Following Up with Recruiters: Send a thank you to those you met with. This can go a long way in terms of showing you care about the company or the roles it’s hiring for. Likewise, consider reaching out to recruiters through LinkedIn to make a connection. Add a note to your connection request for the best results.
  • Applying to Internships/Jobs: Get your application out there, if you haven’t already. Our employers posted a number of open roles to Handshake before the fair, while a few others plan to open applications in weeks to follow. Make a list of roles you’re passionate about and start applying! Consider sending a note to the recruiter you spoke with to put your application on their radar.

Whether you’re preparing before or after the fair, we also recommend connecting with our office through a virtual appointment to make the most of your experience.

Our staff is here to help you with any part of your career development, including this fair experience. Do not hesitate to schedule an appointment or contact us at careers@emerson.edu