From a distance, even hearing the words “job” and “search” together bring up many questions, hopes and anxieties about the process. Students and alumni think about being prepared and confident, but most importantly making a strong impression on the prospective employer. As graduations approach, this is also a timely topic: Finding a Job!
At the Career Development Center, we want to demystify the process. There are challenges, no doubt, and you have to have a strategy in place, but that strategy can be broken down into workable parts.
On Tuesday, March 19th, Nicole Gakidis ’87 of Exceptional Executive Search spoke with us about the information she imparts to her clients as she helps organizations find the right candidates. “What are employers looking for?” is the common question. Throughout this webinar Nicole shared those workable parts, starting from the impact of networking to following up after interviews. Here are our top ten takeaways, in addition to a recording of the webinar:
- There’s a lot of noise out there in the digital world. Develop a strong narrative that is results-oriented and reflects not just your experience and skill set but also your personal characteristics and attributes. Separate yourself from the pack.
- Develop your LinkedIn profile and keep it up to date! “It does so much more than a resume.” Nicole Gakidis
- “Every single day, set aside time to build and expand your network.”
- “Relationship management can’t be undervalued.”
- On Resumes: “Your resume should not read like a job description; it should be accomplishment-oriented and include success metrics.”
- “Preparing yourself for the interview is just half of the equation. Understanding who you’re meeting with is the other half.”
- Research the company’s mission, vision and values, and be aware of current events related to the company.
- “Anybody doing a good interview is going to want to hear stories. So have a few great stories you can share that illustrate how you work and think.”
- Stop rambling. Be specific. Make sure your interview is a two-way conversation and not a sales pitch or an interrogation.
- Always say thank you –for one’s time, commitment and investment in you. Summarize your strengths in your follow-up note and reiterate your excitement and interest in the job opportunity.