Attending a Site Visit can be a great way to build on your understanding of a workplace, a particular company, and/or the day to day of a certain industry. But while the title Site Visit comes naturally to some, there are others who pose the question: What exactly is a Site Visit?

Strap right in and take a seat (if you’re not already sitting) because here are 5 Things You Need to Know About Site Visits:


Site Visits Are Company Tours… And More


Site Visits usually consist of two pieces: 1) a company tour where students are brought through an office space and 2) an information where recruiters or members of human resources share information about internships or careers. There are many cases, however, where a company will want to go above and beyond with Emerson students!

Some events include free lunch (like our visit to Arnold Worldwide in November) and others include additional pieces such as alumni panels (like our visit next week to Wayfair). Remember: Companies are inviting you for the chance to learn and network! This is a great chance to get connected with an employer and/or career field.

You’ll Hear Exclusive Information

Visiting a company offers a bit more than your traditional info session. Being in a company’s space and seeing their day to day operations gives you a bit more of a peek behind the curtains. In many cases, this will prompt some additional questions related to the culture of a workplace. The recruiters we traditionally work with are more than happy to answer these questions and, in some cases, will try to find a few current employees to share their experience or words of wisdom (even if it’s just a quick hello!).

The Career Center is There to Help

The Career Development Center attends each site visit to help facilitate the visit for Emerson students. Our staff members are on-hand to help answer any Emerson-related questions regarding internships or opportunities for current students. We’ll oftentimes ask employers to answer any questions that are relevant to Emerson’s for-credit internship options, including deadlines and start dates.

You Get to See “Behind the Scenes” Perks

Another one of the less-obvious benefits of attending a Site Visit includes a peek at some behind the scenes perks. I know what you’re thinking – What does that even mean? I’ll tell you…

Behind the Scenes perks include things like a fully stocked kitchen full of snacks and drinks or a company-funded open bar that’s open after work hours. I’ve seen massive cereal bars (like the breakfast food) as well as company kitchens stocked with every snack you could possibly imagine. Long story short: You never know what you’ll see behind the scenes!

Have Your Voice Heard

Getting to attend a Site Visit has the obvious benefit of making an in-person connection with a company. Your attendance at one of these sessions shows that you’re committed to learning more about a company and that you’re willing to meet them where they are. This is you chance to make a serious impression.

So, with that being said, it’s important to remember to appear attentive and engaged whenever possible at one of these visits. Employers are looking for knock-out candidates — let them know you’re one of those candidates by showing your passion and investment in this opportunity!

Check Out Our Upcoming Events & Site Visits

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