First review the Interviewing guide on the Emerson website

  • What are common interview questions for a [job title] position at [company]?
  • What might a hiring manager/recruiter at [insert company name] ask regarding this role [insert job description], based on my experience [insert resume]?
  • You’re the interviewer for this role: [insert job description]. Can you develop 3-5 interview questions based on this job description?
  • What examples from my background help answer [insert question]?
  • I interviewed for [insert job title] at [insert company name/industry]. We talked about [insert details from conversation]. What should I write in my thank-you note to my interviewer who is [insert role of interviewer]?
  • Additional prompts provided by The Muse which includes best practices, general prompts, for career changers, specific situations, and for after the interview.