Our Career Design Pathways are a tool to help track your professional development at Emerson College. The four paths, Explore, Discover, Experience, and Transition provide a high-level view of what you should focus on throughout your time while providing some insight into how your current activities fit into a larger career context.
You can track your progress at any time by logging into EmConnect and selecting the Career Design Pathways path.
Design Your Career:

Breaking down the paths
Each pathway offers a number of required* and optional items for you to complete. This ranges from starting your on-campus involvement to setting up important meetings with the Career Development Center.
Click the button below to access our Resource Guides for each level or continue reading for more information:

Your first path is all about the many opportunities and connections you can make at Emerson College in your first year. While it’s a bit early to think about your career, the way you choose to get involved this year will help develop the skills you’ll need to land a future internship or career. Items for this path include:
- Attend the Org Fair*
- Join a Student Org
- Land an On-Campus Job
- Meet Emerson’s WARC Staff
- Attend a Company Info Session
- Upload a Resume to Handshake*
- Meet Your Career Counselor (Explore Appointment)*

The second path of this program is focused on your discovery of career goals and how your current network or resources can support them. This year will be concerned with starting to think about Internships as well as how the many opportunities around Boston can support your professional development. Items in this path include:
- Attend the Internship Fair*
- Give Back Through Community Service
- Participate in a Study Abroad Program
- Apply to a Position on Handshake*
- Have an Informational Interview
- Attend a Company Site Visit
- Check in with your Career Counselor (Discover Appointment)*

It’s time to get some hands-on experience! The third path of Career Design Pathways is focused on experiential learning opportunities such as internships or short-term work assignments. This is your year to start applying what you’ve learned in the classroom to hands-on experiences or projects. A few of the items in this path include:
- Take on a Leadership Role
- Make a LinkedIn Profile*
- Have a Mock Interview
- Polish Your Resume Online
- Prep for a Professional Interview
- Complete an Internship*
- Apply to a Resume Book
- Explore Career Paths (Experience Appointment)*

The final path of Career Design Pathways intends to smoothly usher you into the post-grad world by equipping you with items like a portfolio or professional website and by setting up a comprehensive Post-Grad Career Plan that will keep your career search focused and on track. Items in this path include:
- Attend a Professional Conference
- Attend a Personal Branding Workshop
- Create a Portfolio/Website
- Apply to a Resume Book*
- Complete a Capstone Project
- Update your LinkedIn Profile*
- Develop a Post-Grad Career Plan (Transition Appointment)