We got the pleasure to interview both Stevie Power (BS in Communication Studies) & Kaitlin Hughes (BS in Communication Studies, Minor: Science) separately about their internship as Communication Studies majors. The communications field is expansive and versatile, with many different industries needing communication personnel…
Let’s get to know our Emtern Spotlights!
Stevie Powers ’21

Alamo Records/Digital Analytics Intern
Kaitlin Hughes ’21

ENERGYBits/Communications Coordinator
How did you find your internship?
STEVIE: I actually was originally approached by an A&R at Alamo for the music that I make, I kept in touch with him and reached out for a recommendation, and instead, he put me in contact with my current Supervisor who offered me the internship.
KAITLIN: I was browsing through Handshake and I stumbled upon the ENERGYBits company page. They had a full-time position open, but not internships. I really liked the company branding and product and wanted to learn more about them. So I reached out to the CEO via Handshake and asked her if I could learn more about the company etc. She reached back out and we ended up having two zoom meetings just chatting about the company and about my previous experience. We seemed to really gel and she ended up offering me an internship that fit what I was looking for.
How long is your internship?
STEVIE: I am unsure how long the internship is at the moment. I have not been given an end date.
KAITLIN: I started my internship at the beginning of December and will continue through the end of April. I was also fortunate enough to receive a full-time offer for post-grad, which I have accepted!
Where is your internship taking place? All Virtual? Hybrid? How do you feel about it?
STEVIE: My Internship is remote. Although it does not really make a difference in the work I do for the company. Most of the work I do is on my computer anyway, but I do wish I was able to experience the office during the semester.
KAITLIN: I am fortunate to have a hybrid situation in Boston. I go into the office two days a week and then work remotely for the rest of my hours. I honestly, wouldn’t have it any other way. I have really enjoyed getting to know my coworkers and getting to work closely with the CEO. Getting to work with her helps me see other sides of the company and encourages me to work even harder.
What does your daily routine look like?
STEVIE: I can’t necessarily talk about everything that I do for the company, mostly weekly reports and all that jazz.
KAITLIN: I am responsible for a couple of different things. I usually start my end packaging up the samples that need to be sent out. I then usually have a one-on-one with the CEO to work on some of our copy for upcoming emails, PR pitches, visuals, etc. We usually brainstorm, I come up with a draft, she edits, and then I edit and send the final test. We definitely believe in a collaborative work environment. In the afternoons, I often have meetings with our PR consultant to discuss strategies for the upcoming campaigns.
What are you currently working on?
STEVIE: *Can’t speak on it*
KAITLIN: I am currently working on building an affiliate network for our landing pages. Our primary goal is to bring in revenue. I also just finished a PR pitch inspired by the new documentary on Netflix Seaspiracy.
What is something you wish you learned before taking your internship?
STEVIE: Honestly, I am happy in the place I was In before Alamo, It has been an awesome learning experience so far. I learn new things about the music industry every day, all of which I can apply to my own career going forward.
KAITLIN: I wish that I knew how much I was going to like the working world. If I had known, I would’ve done an 8 credit internship instead of a 4 credit one. I love the routine of working life, going into the office, packing my lunch. I find it all very therapeutic.
What are some essential skills/abilities/knowledge someone in your field should have?
STEVIE: Someone who wants to work in music should try to have their hand in everything, make a name for themselves outside of your common circle. You have to work on projects whether that be as an artist, producer, or someone on the backend working on the release material like videos and artwork because it’s tough to work in music if you don’t have anything to show for yourself.
KAITLIN: You definitely need to be a strong writer. I have found that my writing skills are a major part of so many different projects, and being able to copyedit material really helps. I also think basic knowledge of graphic design can come in handy.
Why did you decide to take this internship?
STEVIE: It was a no-brainer for me when I was offered the Internship with Alamo, especially since I can use the internship for credit and lighten the load off of classes.
KAITLIN: This internship is a perfect combination of my major and my minor. I wanted to be able to apply my communication skills to a scientific environment and ENERGYBits has given me that chance.
Fun Facts!
STEVIE is releasing a project with his friend, Devon (who is also featured in Emtern Spotlight), next week! Here is the pre-save link: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/devlemons/lemontopia
“What free time?” – KAITLIN 2021. She enjoys cooking, doing puzzles, and playing her Nintendo switch!