Career Services is excited to announce a new partnership with Handshake, a modern and social media-friendly platform for career development! In addition to having a sleek and easy-to-use design, Handshake lets you find jobs and internships as well as make important engagements with all of Emerson College’s employer partners.

Some of Handshake’s Features Include:

  • A fully customizable profile which showcases your work experience and exciting parts of your portfolio
  • Personalized job recommendations based on your major and interests
  • Simple registration for counselor appointments and internship fairs
  • Systems for tracking job applications and searching for on-campus interviews

But there’s a whole lot more where that came from! It’s through this system that you’ll find a full collection of career-related Resources as well as personalized updates on opportunities to take advantage of and tasks to complete before graduating. Think of Handshake as your one-stop-shop for building your brand and engaging with employers.

Handshake goes live on JUNE 30th.

Get there early to complete your profile and start checking out those new features

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